Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chicken Cordon Bleu

This is our take on this classic dish!
  • 3-4 chicken breast (butterflied)
  • 2-3 cups flower
  • 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 lb proscuitto
  • Fresh Mozzarella (to your liking)
  • Butter
  • 4 pints heavy cream (Not whipping cream)
  • 1 cup white wine
  • Salt & Pepper

Start off by taking your chicken breast and from the side of the breast make a cut into the chicken to create a pocket for your stuffings. Try not to cut all the way through or into the bottom creating open pockets for the stuffing to escape.

Take your flour, cayenne pepper, Salt and pepper and place it into a dish or pan. Mix together

Take your proscuitto and fresh mozzarella and stuff it into the pockets you created in your chicken. After stuffing seal the pocket with toothpicks. Try and make sure there are no openings. (The stuffing may fall out but it will add to the sauce so dont worry too much)

Heat up a skillet at medium heat and add 4-6 tablespoons of butter to the skillet. Melt the butter.

Take your chicken breast stuffed with the proscuitto and mozzarella and place it in the flour mixture and coat the entire breast.

Place the breast in the skillet. Then cover for 5-7 min.

Once brown on the bottom flip your chicken and again cover and cook for another 5-7 min or until golden brown.

Remove the chicken and place in a dish later for the oven.

(do not clean the skillet, leave all the droppings in the pan)

Take your cup of white wine and poor into the pan. Take a spatula and mix the wine so you get up all the droppings and so forth from the chicken. You will be using the wine to deglaze the pan of all the great flavors.

Once the plan is deglazed. Take your 4oz of heavy cream and pour it into the pan. Add salt and pepper to your liking.

Bring sauce to boil. Then turn heat down and let simmer.  Sauce will thicken (if you want it thicker add small dashes of flour to the sauce)

You have two options.
  1. Take chicken and place back into pan while sauce thickens. Cover and cook for another 5-7 min.
  2. Once sauce has thickened. Pour over chicken in oven safe dish and place in oven at 375 degrees for 10-12 min

Serve, and Enjoy!